On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the UGM Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program held a guest lecture on agribusiness management with the topic of neuroscience applications in neuromarketing. The resource person in this guest lecture was Bambang Iman Santoso, a neuro-enthusiast and Co-Founder of the Neuronesia Learning Center (NLC) at PT Neuronesia Neurosains Indonesia. The application of neuroscience in marketing is one of the important sciences that should be studied by an agricultural marketer because this science can perfect existing marketing science.
On October 17, 2024, the Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held the second International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness, and Rural Development (ICSASARD). This international conference was held to support the transformation of essential sectors to create a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous society.
ICSASARD 2024 covers 7 issues, including
1. Low Emission Development (LED) for sustainable agriculture
2. Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) for sustainable agriculture
3. Climate change and natural resources resilience for food systems
4. Sustainable food value chain
5. Food and nutrition security
6. Social transformation towards sustainable food system
7. Inclusive Rural Development
Hello #SobatEPA!
Do you know about the Fast Track Program? The Fast Track Program is an accelerated study program for undergraduate students (S1) to be able to continue to the master’s level (S2) so that they can complete their undergraduate (S1) and master’s (S2) studies in just 5 years! Interesting, isn’t it?
The Fast Track Program is open to all students of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture who are interested in continuing their studies in the master’s program at the UGM Faculty of Agriculture. There are two Master’s Programs in the UGM Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics, namely a Master of Agricultural Economics and a Master of Agribusiness Management.
Prof. Jamhari, a distinguished expert in the Socio-Economics of Agriculture at UGM, was a key figure at the 8th Indonesian Palm Oil Research Week 2024. The event was held on 3-4 October 2024 at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC). The theme of the event was “Green Gold: Transforming Palm Oil Industry through Cutting-Edge Technologies”. This event is expected to introduce the latest research innovations on palm oil to stakeholders in the palm oil industry, such as the government, private sector, academics, and the wider community.
Hello EPA’s Friends,
Let’s look at the results of measuring satisfaction with EPA Study Program management services in the following link! Click Here
Hello SobatEPA!
The following are the results of the tracer study of the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. Let’s check the results! Click Here
Let’s be agents of change and drive change by submitting your paper to the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Socioeconomics, Agribusiness, and Rural Development (ICSASARD 2024).
ICSASARD 2024 carries the theme “Transformation towards Sustainable Agriculture, Food Systems, and Rural Development.” Various topics will be explored, including sustainable agricultural practices, the entire chain of production to consumption, and strategies for economic, social, and environmental progress in rural areas. Various pressing issues, such as food security, climate change resilience, and agricultural innovation, with a special focus on urban-rural areas in the southern hemisphere.
Hello SobatEPA!
Finally, the long-awaited event is back! Postgraduate Program Registration for Even Semester Academic Year 2024/2025 Faculty of Agriculture UGM is Now Open. The programs opened include master’s programs and doctoral programs.
For prospective new students who are interested in the field of agricultural socio-economics, the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics at UGM accepts new students for two master’s study programs, namely:
- Master of Agricultural Economics
- Master of Agribusiness Management
The interests in the Doctoral Program in Agricultural Science that are linear to the field of agricultural socio-economics are as follows:.
At the Period IV Undergraduate Program Graduation on August 28, 2024, the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program succeeded in graduating 52 students with an average GPA of 3.80. The average study period for EPA Study Program graduates is 3 years, 11 months, 24 days. Six Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness students succeeded in receiving awards at the graduation.
Anna Tria Nita, S.P., from the class of 2020 received an award as the best graduate of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture.
The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program participates in the MBKM program to improve the quality of students’ abilities. It is hoped that the MBKM program will increase students’ experience, especially in the world of work. After running for one semester, it was time to withdraw students. The withdrawal of students marks the completion of the MBKM program. The implementation of the withdrawal of MBKM students from partner companies was colored by various stories.
The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program partners with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in the MBKM program. Experience working in the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs provides various knowledge and skills for students to work in a ministerial environment in Indonesia.