On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the UGM Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program held a guest lecture on agribusiness management with the topic of neuroscience applications in neuromarketing. The resource person in this guest lecture was Bambang Iman Santoso, a neuro-enthusiast and Co-Founder of the Neuronesia Learning Center (NLC) at PT Neuronesia Neurosains Indonesia. The application of neuroscience in marketing is one of the important sciences that should be studied by an agricultural marketer because this science can perfect existing marketing science.
Neuromarketing is a science that studies the brain’s response to advertising and branding, and adjusting marketing messages based on feedback to get a better response. Neuromarketing not only pays attention to how marketing messages reach the recipient but also considers the recipient’s response and how the recipient’s brain works to get feedback on the marketing process that has been carried out. Mr. Bambang explained the importance of neuromarketing in agribusiness based on scientific articles from Schukat et al. (2021) and Rabu et al. (2022). Neuromarketing is important for the agribusiness sector because it can provide various benefits such as:
- Understanding consumer preferences more deeply
- Increasing the effectiveness of visuals and packaging
- Building loyalty through emotions
- Minimizing the risk of new product failure
- Optimizing pricing and promotional offers
- Increasing the effectiveness of marketing strategies
- Predicting purchasing decisions
- Increasing product development and appeal
- Addressing global health challenges
- Expanding social acceptance
- Sustainability and brand loyalty
- Competitive advantage in niche markets
Mr. Bambang added that the brain has a tendency to like something new (novelty), but also dislikes something that is too new. In this case, marketers can create products that satisfy consumers by considering the character of the brain.
This guest lecture on neuromarketing is one of the new things for the UGM Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program. The guest lecture is expected to improve the quality of EPA Study Program graduates. The implementation of this guest lecture is a form of contribution from the EPA Study Program to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially point 4, namely quality education.