Exploring Agribusiness and the Competitiveness of Indonesian Cocoa: An Enlightening Guest Lecture

On March 19, 2024, the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program held an event that was not only informative but also raised awareness of the important role of cocoa in the Indonesian economy. Through the Zoom platform, a guest lecture with the theme “Agribusiness and Competitiveness of Indonesian Cocoa” succeeded in attracting the attention of both students and the general public who are interested in the world of cocoa agribusiness.

In a session guided by an experienced moderator, Dr. Tedy Dirhamsyah, S.P., M.A.B. from the Research Institute for Industrial and Refreshment Crops, shared valuable knowledge about the cocoa industry in Indonesia. He opened the session by providing a comprehensive overview of the history of cocoa, the commodity’s mandate, and the importance of the germplasm collection held by the Agency for Standardization of Agricultural Instruments for Industrial and Refreshing Crops. read more