IoT is a connection between more than one device in which data exchange occurs. Examples of IoT applied in the world of agriculture are automatic irrigation systems, I-Trap for monitoring pests, and the use of drones for spraying fertilizers and pesticides. The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada held a guest lecture of the Regional Economics course on September 11th 2023 with speaker Nurul Trya Wulandari, Manager of the Digital Extension Society for Agriculture Application (DesaApps). This guest lecture carried the Development of the Internet of Things theme in the Agribusiness Sector and its role in Regional Development, which was moderated by Muh Amat Nasir, S.P., M.Sc (Lecturer in Regional Economics).
The demographic bonus is a condition where there are more productive people than non-productive people. Indonesia is predicted to experience the peak of the demographic bonus in 2023. This can be a momentum to boost the progress and quality of the nation. On September 5th 2023, the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada held a guest lecture on the Agricultural Business and Project Analysis course with speaker Rikko Sajjad Nuir, S.E., M.BA. as Chief Financial Officer of PT Inamas Sintesis Teknologi (INASTEK). This guest lecture carried Good Agricultural Practices in the IoT Utilization Approach as the theme and was moderated by Hariyani Dwi Anjani, S.P., M.Sc. (Lecturer in Agricultural Projects and Business Analysis Courses).
Universitas Gadjah Mada holds the Graduation of The Bachelor and Diploma Program Period IV Academic Year 2022/2023 on Thursday (24/8) at Grha Sabha Pramana.
During this period, the best graduate award of the Department of Social Economics Agricultural Economics was saddled by Serly Indriyani S.P. from the Program Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, 2019, with a GPA of 3.90.
Congratulations to Serly and all graduates who have officially become part of the large family of alumni of the Agricultural Economics Studies Program and the Agribusiness University of Gadjah Mada.
Friday (18/8), the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics graduated 53 students for the 4th-period graduation ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year. 49 people graduated with the title of Cumlaude. Thank you for your dedication and contribution!
\The Agricultural Economics Study Program held a guest lecture on Entrepreneurship with the theme Get Ready to be an Entrepreneur on Tuesday, 30 May 2023. Vita Krisnadewi, S.Pt., M.Sc., who currently serves as CEO of CV Sinatria Saka Hastalia and as the owner of Sinatria Farm, was also present as a guest speaker at yesterday’s guest lecture. Entrepreneurship Guest Lecture moderated by Fatkhiyah Rohmah, S.P., M.Sc. (Entrepreneurship Lecturer)
Mrs. Vita said that business opportunities can be used as an advantage in doing business. These business opportunities need to be identified from the internal and external sides. As for identifying opportunities from the internal side, namely desires that have not been achieved, passion, hobbies, educational background and experience, or networking. Opportunities from external can be obtained from observing the latest trends, analyzing the potential and needs of the surroundings, visiting creative business events, or joining the business community.
Universitas Gadjah Mada holds the Graduation of The Bachelor and Diploma Program Period III Academic Year 2022/2023 on Wednesday (24/5) at Grha Sabha Pramana.
During this period, the best graduate award of the Faculty of Agriculture was saddled by Siwi Susetyaningtyas S.P. from the Department of Social Economics Agricultural Economics, Program Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, 2019, with a GPA of 3.96.
Congratulations to Siwi and all graduates who have officially become part of the large family of alumni of the Agricultural Economics Studies Program and the Agribusiness University of Gadjah Mada.
Oil palm is a mainstay plantation commodity that plays a major role in the development of the national economy. Plantation is a sub-sector that plays an important role in national economic growth. On April 3rd 2023, the Masters Program in Agricultural Economics, Gadjah Mada University, held a Capita Selecta Guest Lecture #3 with Dr. Prayudi Syamsuri, S.P., M.Sc., Director of Processing and Marketing of Plantation Products, Directorate General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. This guest lecture carries the theme of Challenges and Policies for Sustainable Plantation Development. The Capita Selecta Guest Lecture was moderated by Dr. Hani Perwitasari, S.P., M.Sc. (Lecturer of Capita Selecta Course).
The Double Degree/Joint Degree Program is a scheme implemented to obtain two academic degrees (double degrees) at the same time in one study period from two different tertiary institutions from within the country and abroad or schemes.
The Double Degree/Joint Degree Scheme can be selected only for overseas destinations in the Scholarship Program below:
A. Affirmation Program
- Affirmation Regional Scholarships
- Papuan Men’s and Women’s Scholarships
- Scholars for disabilities
- Undergraduate Scholarship
B. Targeted Program
- PNS/TNI/POLRI Scholarships
C. General Program
- Regular Scholarship
- Partial Scholarship
The Masters in Agricultural Economics Study Program at Gadjah Mada University will open a Double Degree/Joint Degree Program with the Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University through the LPDP scheme for Regular Scholarships and Partial Scholarships.
The Agricultural Economics Masters Study Program held a Capita Selecta Guest Lecture with the theme Development of Horticultural Agribusiness Partnership Models on March 27th 2023. Yuli Sri Wilanti, S.Pi., M.P., who currently serves as Assistant Deputy for Horticultural Agribusiness Development at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, was also present online and became a speaker in the guest lecture. Capita Selecta Guest Lecture moderated by Dr. Hani Perwitasari, S.P., M.Sc. (Lecturer of Capita Selecta Course).
Workshop is a scientific meeting held by experts in the same field to discuss a problem in accordance with their area of expertise to find a solution to a problem that occurs. On March 16th-17th 2023, the EPA Study Program attended the National Curriculum Development Workshop for the Association of Indonesian Agribusiness Study Programs (IPSAGRI), which took place at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta. This activity contains sharing and discussion about the curriculum of the Agribusiness Study Program, which is expected to be input for curriculum evaluation in all Bachelor Study Programs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University.