The Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, established an Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) partnership with CV Erista Garden which was officially signed on Thursday, 19 January 2022. The event was held offline in the Meeting Room of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture UGM, which was attended by representatives of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture and CVs Ersita Garden. The signing of the cooperation agreement was carried out by Ir Jaka Widada, M.P., Ph.D. as Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Ir. Erista Adisetya, MM. as the director of CV Erista Garden. The company is engaged in the ornamental plant business, selling from upstream to downstream: Nurseries, selling Erista Mart vegetables, selling vegetable and ornamental plants (Agrimart), making and managing gardens (Erista Flora), restaurants (Griyo Dhahar, Padasan Coffee (café ), Erista Kaliaji in Turi, Erista Garden (service, education, and training).
In connection with the implementation of MBKM in the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program, on Thursday, April 29, 2021, socialization was held to students so that MBKM could be carried out more smoothly. On this occasion, the students got information that out of eight forms of learning activities, the study program decided to carry out five activities, namely student exchanges, internships/work practices, research, entrepreneurial activities, and village development.
The socialization was delivered directly by the head of the study program Dr. Any Suryantini and MBKM team representative Abi Pratiwa Siregar, M.Sc.
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program was selected to be one of the recipients of Curriculum Cooperation Assistance Programs and Implementation of Freedom to Learn – Independence Campus on decree number 1575 / E2 / DM.00.01 / 2021 by Directorate General of Higher Education. Through this grant, it is hoped that there will be an acceleration in the process and implementation of cooperation to make Freedom to Learn – Independence Campus a success.