The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program invited Shofyan Adi Cahyono from Sayur Organik Merbabu for the second time for a guest lecture with the theme Marketing of Organic Commodities on Saturday, 21st October 2023. Shofyan Adi Cahyono said that market demand for organic products in Indonesia is increasing. This trend shows that there is an increase of 20% every year. The increase that occurs undoubtedly cannot be separated from the desire to live a healthy life or “back to nature”.
The potential for organic products is quite broad, including in-farm processes and out-farm processes. Looking at a more global scope, the potential for organic products is vast, even reaching the garment and interior industry sectors.
Organic products are known as products with high prices. This condition prevents consumers from consuming organic products. To answer these problems, the CSA Movement was formed. The CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) movement is a concept that connects farmers to consumers so that product prices become more affordable. CSA activities include partnership, locality, solidarity, and customer-producer relations
Organic Product Marketing Strategy
- It is necessary to build mutual awareness of the importance of organic products for producers/farmers and consumers.
- Building close relationships between consumers and producers can increase production and marketing.
- CSA can be an alternative to horticultural agribusiness by finding the correct segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP).
- Organic farming is a movement to build collective awareness. It is necessary to build collaboration and build a Pentahelix ecosystem (community, government, university, private sector, and media).
Ways to Improve Organic Product Marketing
- Use of information technology to reach broader consumers.
- StoryTelling to StorySelling.
- Producing organic vegetables according to standards.