Technological developments and agricultural digitalization can help organic farmers increase productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of the cultivation process. Parts of organic farming that technological developments and digitalization can influence include:
– Commodity Monitoring
– Cultivation Management
– Production Tracking
– Marketing and Distribution
– Education and training
– Data Management and Analysis
– Sustainability and Environmental Friendly
– Organic E-Certification
The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada, held a guest lecture on the Regional Economics course on September 25, 2023 with speaker Anastasia Trianita Hesti Susanti, Chief Government Relations Officer, PT Elevenia Sinergi Nusantara. This guest lecture carried the theme Development of Digital Agribusiness MSMEs for Organic Agricultural Products, which was moderated by Sugiyarto, S.P., M.Sc. (Lecturer in Regional Economics Courses).
Anastasia Trianita Hesti Susanti explained that the digitalization of agribusiness is a concept that combines information technology, the internet, and digital tools in all aspects of agriculture, including production, management, marketing, and distribution. This concept is a form of evolution of traditional agriculture towards the digital era, which provides efficiency and sustainability.
Conventional Methods -> Technological Elaboration -> High Technology Agriculture Practice
This Pentahelix approach strategy involves all groups in society, thereby creating opportunities to participate in the decision-making process, contribute to creating and actualizing opportunities, and benefit from the innovation process.
The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is trying to establish PLUTs in each region to assist initial developments in carrying out the digitalization stage. Apart from that, there are other options for developing the digitalization of MSMEs from the private sector, such as Tokopedia, Elevenia, etc.