Farmer institutions are grown from, by, and for farmers to strengthen and fight for farmers’ interests in various aspects. Agricultural institutions will be separated according to the focus of their activities, namely social institutions and economic institutions and APPOLI facilitates these interests.
The Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada held a guest lecture on Regional Economics on September 13th 2023, with the speaker Siswandi Endro Subroto, Organic Rice Chain Consultant from APPOLI. This guest lecture carried the theme of Institutional Management of Small Farmers, which was moderated by Fatkhiyah Rohmah, S.P., M.Sc. (Lecturer in Agricultural Economics Course)
APPOLI exists as an institution that embraces all organic farmers in Boyolali to be free from economic restrictions and limitations in their work. In developing institutions, APPOLI prioritizes democracy, equality, and remains oriented toward membership-based profits.
Through the institutions formed, APPOLI seeks to develop the supply chain for organic rice and secondary crops in an integral, comprehensive, and sustainable manner. This institution also strives to provide inputs for cultivation, processing to market, and maintaining the natural fertility of agriculture for future life.
What role can Gen Z play in building farmer institutions today?
Gen Z will occupy strategic positions in organizations, primarily developing technical and management aspects.