Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, this has not dampened the enthusiasm of the Yogyakarta City Vegetable Farmers Association to continue its urban agricultural activities. Cultivation of plants and fish cultivation continues until finally, they can enjoy what they have been cultivating. On September 12, 2020, the Yogyakarta City Vegetable Farmers Association held a big harvest with all stakeholders, including Lecturers in the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Study Program and the Agribusiness Management Masters Study Program, as well as the Yogyakarta City Government represented by the Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta, the Head of the Kraton District, and the Head of the Yogyakarta City Agriculture and Food Service. Also attending on this occasion was the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Jamhari, SP, MP
In participating in this activity, all participants followed the government’s recommendation by implementing health protocols, namely using masks and first checking their body temperature.