The Double Degree/Joint Degree Program is a scheme implemented to obtain two academic degrees (double degrees) at the same time in one study period from two different tertiary institutions from within the country and abroad or schemes.
The Double Degree/Joint Degree Scheme can be selected only for overseas destinations in the Scholarship Program below:
A. Affirmation Program
- Affirmation Regional Scholarships
- Papuan Men’s and Women’s Scholarships
- Scholars for disabilities
- Undergraduate Scholarship
B. Targeted Program
- PNS/TNI/POLRI Scholarships
C. General Program
- Regular Scholarship
- Partial Scholarship
The Masters in Agricultural Economics Study Program at Gadjah Mada University will open a Double Degree/Joint Degree Program with the Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University through the LPDP scheme for Regular Scholarships and Partial Scholarships.